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de Jager Colourful Cosmos Apollo x 12
£18.96 £21.96 , was, £21.96
de Jager Astonishing Aquilegia x 8
£18.00 £19.92 , was, £19.92
de Jager Amazing Alstroemeria x 5
£28.92 £31.92 , was, £31.92
Special price
de Jager Astonishing Astible x 4
£16.92 £18.96 , was, £18.96
de Jager Wonderful Pink & White Lily of the Valley x 9
£19.92 £22.92 , was, £22.92
de Jager Zantedeschia Giant Bulbs x 5
£27.00 £30.00 , was, £30.00
de Jager Patio Vegetable Collection x 12
£17.40 £19.92 , was, £19.92
de Jager Delightful Double Lily of the Valley x 5
£22.92 £24.96 , was, £24.96
de Jager BRAND NEW Amazing Doubleshot Antirrhinum x 9
de Jager Lovely Sweetly Scented Double Lotus Lilies x 6
£17.88 £19.92 , was, £19.92
de Jager Compact Hollyhock Spring Celebrities x12
£24.96 £30.00 , was, £30.00
de Jager Happy Days Dahlias x 5
de Jager Amazing Agapanthus x 3
de Jager Glorious NEW Gazania New Day x 12
£18.48 £19.92 , was, £19.92
de Jager Gloriously Scented Kerley Begonias x 6
£19.92 £24.00 , was, £24.00
de Jager Topping Totally Tangerine Dahlias x 3
3 x de Jager Stunning Single Raymond Evison Clematis
£28.92 £42.00 , was, £42.00
de Jager Delightful Double Raymond Evison Clematis x 3
Set of 3 Beatrix Potter Pot Buddies
Set of 3 Fairy Cane Companions
Set of 3 Benjamin Bunny Cane Companions
Top rated
Set of 3 Peter Rabbit Potty Feet
Set of 3 Fairy Potty Feet
de Jager Astonishing Anemone de Caen x 24
de Jager Superb Parahebe Snow Clouds x 6
de Jager Breathtaking Blue Bayou Dahlias x 3
de Jager Glorious Giant Flowering Southern Belles Fuchsias x 8
de Jager Colourful Cupid Sweet Peas for Baskets x 12
de Jager Simply Enormous Crinum Bulbs x 2
de Jager Remarkable Rhodochiton Purple Bells x 3
de Jager 3x Hardy Perennial Geranium Collection 4.1cm Young Plants
de Jager Stunning Scented Bearded Iris x 3
de Jager Magnificent Giant Martagon Lily Bulbs x 5
de Jager Distinguished Dicentra x 2
de Jager Astounding Begonia Apricot Shades Mix x 12
de Jager Colourful Cannas x 5
de Jager Regal Regale Album Lilies x 5
de Jager Superb Seattle Dahlias x 3
de Jager Fabulous Fire and Ice Dahlias x 3
de Jager Excellent Evanah Dahlias x 3
de Jager Large Flowering RHS AGM Crocosmia x 24
de Jager Superb Splash Geraniums x 6
de Jager Astonishing Himalayan Poppies x 8
de Jager Perfect Polemonium Bressingham Purple x 3
de Jager Outstanding Osteospermum 3D Daisies x 5
de Jager Lovely French Lavender Lavita x 9
de Jager Beautiful Buddleja Buzz x 3
de Jager Superb NEW Begonia Sun Dancer x 9
de Jager Highly Scented Viola Young Plant Collection x 6
de Jager Tremendous Thunbergia SunEyes x 4
de Jager Stupendous Hanging Basket Strawberries x 5
de Jager Superb Osteospermum Serenity Daisies x 6
de Jager Stunning Scented Spencer Sweet Peas x 12
de Jager Perfect Nicotiana Perfume Mixed x 12
de Jager NEW Highly Scented Compact Sweet William Little Willie x 9
de Jager Heroic Horizon Geraniums x 6
de Jager Hardy Gladiolus Cummunis Byzantinus x 24
de Jager Delightful Double Freesias x 30
de Jager Outstanding Oriental Poppies x 5
de Jager Glorious Large Flowering Gladioli x 24
de Jager Wonderful NEW Lavender White Summer x 5
de Jager 5x Cosmos Chocamocha 4.8cm Young Plants
de Jager Beautiful Nerine Bowdenii x 6
de Jager Colourful Crispa Marginata Begonias x 6
de Jager Glorious Gaura Gambit x 6
de Jager Delightful Dalmatian Foxgloves x 8
de Jager Stupendous Salvia Syncro x 6
de Jager Fantastic Fashionably Early Phlox x 3
de Jager Nemesia Ladies Collection x 6
de Jager Happy Hostas x 6
de Jager Compact Hollyhock Spring Celebrities x 6
de Jager Pretty Echinacea Papallo x 3
de Jager Delightful Delphiniums x 5
de Jager Dashing Dalaya Dahlias x 6
de Jager Dreamy Armeria Dreameria x 4
de Jager Sensational Scaevola Surdiva x 6
de Jager Legendary Lupins x 8
3x de Jager Stunning Single Raymond Evison Clematis